Reflection of EEND675C

I enjoyed this class and feel like I've learned about lots of new tools and resources available. I don't feel that there were any specific articles that stuck out to me, but the copyright infringement issue was a big takeaway for me. I never thought much about using articles, pictures and videos in my presentations before, but now that I know I am an internet stealing stuff criminal, I know to look for content that I can use in class worry-free.

Participating in discussion groups during our class sessions was a good experience. I think sometimes we teachers as a whole feel like we are behind what everyone else is doing. Having the discussions in class alleviated some of these feelings. I'm not saying that the people in class are behind the tech-curve, but I do feel like we are all in at about the same place.

Connected learner. I have grown insomuch as I know what a connected learner is, but I would say that I still have a way to go to be a truly connected learner. I typically go online and find resources to use, but I never connect or contribute. I would like to say that will change in the future, but considering time constraints, this change may be a bit iffy.

As far as continuing my learning, I would like to learn about more tools/resources available and effective ways to incorporate them into the classroom. Oftentimes, I feel that I use the newest tool/resource and drop it as soon as the next one comes along. I think it would be better to be familiar with many different tools/resources and sort of just have a rotation.

The Foundations of Technology was a good class. I'm afraid if I say otherwise my grade will drop. I really did learn valuable information ranging from copyright laws to means of presenting to the way education is changing. I liked the way the class was presented and the projects that were assigned. Each assignment, discussion and class was valuable and I am glad I made the decision to take this series of course.


  1. Two things stood out to me:

    1. I also search out materials online, but never make my presence known (by comments or contributions). I feel like I should be contributing more positively, but like you said, time is always an issue.

    2. I would also like some in-depth training on a few resources, rather than being exposed to a large handful without learning how to properly incorporate them into my classroom. I feel like having more in-depth knowledge of the tools will make us more willing to use them in class, and use them effectively.

  2. Jason, I also reflected on how beneficial the copyright information was. Maybe this is something we can share out to our department. I think it's important for students to see us practicing with the skills we are asking them to develop. I agree with what you said about the discussion boards. It also helped me feel like I have a good handle on where our district is at with tech integration. I am looking forward to finding even more tools and resources as we go forward in this cohort!


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