Artifact 2

This is my Second Artifact.

My second artifact was the multimedia project. This project was created with Google slides. I have used this resource many times before, but I had never used the hyperlink feature; for some reason I find this feature to be very appealing and professional looking. I connected the multimedia project to my Shakespeare Macbeth Google site (collaborative project). Both of the artifacts focus on the play Macbeth, but the Google slides has an emphasis on Shakespeare's 5 act story arc.

I would use the Google slide presentation first to develop some basic background knowledge of William Shakespeare and then the rest of the presentation would be a lesson in the 5 act story arc Shakespeare uses in his plays. The story arc consists of the basic components of exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution so most of this should be review (hopefully). The purpose would be for students to be aware of each of these arcs and how Shakespeare crafts them in each act while providing evidence. This would be our initial introduction into William Shakespeare and the play we are about to read.

I plan on using this artifact along with my first artifact (Google site) to study Shakespeare and the play Macbeth this year. I expect there may be some components I will need to remove and others I will need to add, but I will have to wait and see how the lesson goes. The purpose for including this as an artifact is this is something that is aesthetically pleasing, has the content I will teach and is formatted in a manner that will keep student interest.

I imagine by now that most teachers are fairly familiar with most Google products including Google slides. Slides is intuitive and one of the easiest tools Google has to use. At this point, many teachers have moved on to other modes of presenting; however, I feel Google slides is still relevant if created with intent and purpose. There were no real challenges in creating the presentation other than, to make the slideshow interesting, it can take considerable time.

[William Shakespeare]. (n.d.). Retrieved July 12, 2017, from 


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