Trends in Technology and Education

Is Online Learning Worth It???

It appears that the trend in education is technology, technology, and more technology. This shift, at first, seemed to be gradual and then all of the sudden, the shift went into hyper-speed with the advent of Chromebooks, applications, software and the ability to be in a constant state of connection thanks to the internet. I have always wondered about the benefits of technology in somewhat of a practical way. Is technology just another way of doing more of the same? Are we actually learning more or making learning easier? My opinion is that if technology is used appropriately in a balanced classroom with collaborative work, independent work in addition to high rigor and expectations, technology enables students to learn more at a more efficient rate with individual learner needs being met.

I decided to do a bit of research to compare online learning versus traditional learning. I came across a study from the University of Potomac. The study was completed in 2014 titled Online Vs. Traditional Learning. Below are some of the findings:

  • 6.7 million students are enrolled in online classes. 
  • 67% of educators believe online learning is essential. 
  • 77% of educators believe online learning is just as good as traditional. 
  • 70% of students believe online learning to be as good or better than traditional. 
  • Online learning students score higher on assessments than tradition students. Online scores are in the 59th percentile compared to traditional students in the 50th percentile. 
  • Traditional instruction is better suited for the student with special needs. 
So what does this mean? It appears that online learning is just as good or better than traditional learning, at least from this study. One important finding I left out is that online learning averages

$50, 000 less tha traditional college which makes college more accessible and affordable. The one outstanding issue appears to be the student of special needs. This student performas better in face-to-face, traditional learning environments. As one would expect, the student with special needs will require explicit instruction and frequent check-ins.

Considering the facts above, what do you think. Is online learning the way to go? Is it it just more convenient?


  1. Jason,

    Thank you for sharing this study. Like you, when thinking about technology in my classroom, I want to make sure that I am not just using technology to replace the same activity that I used to do pen and paper, but am actually improving the learning of my students.

    I think this study shows how great online learning can be for students, especially in regards to college. The expenses of higher education are already astronomical and continue to grow at alarming rates. With the availability of online education, between cost and access, many students can benefit. However, I think it is important that we provide resources to students with special needs. I also wonder at what level students are these studies looking at? Do these statistics apply to college and high school level students only, or also to younger students? Also, I wonder if there are benefits to the traditional education setting that are being overlooked, particularly for younger students?

  2. Erin,

    The study was based on college/HS age students. You bring up a great point about elementary students using online classes. It seems that at the elementary level, using technology and incorporating it into the curriculum is necessary; however, taking online classes at such a young age may not be beneficial. Kids, in my opinion, need the traditional setting to learn how to learn before transitioning into more independent learning through online classes.

  3. Jason,

    I completely agree! I feel that students benefit from so much more than just academics in a traditional elementary classroom.

  4. Jason,
    I thought the facts you found were very interesting. For most of us, our college experience was the traditional up, listen to the lecture, write a paper, show up the next week. Now, there are more college courses that are offered online which also offers many benefits, a flexible schedule being the main one, followed by the financial savings. I don’t know if one is necessarily better than the other but maybe it all depends on the learner. Like you said, some students with special needs might need that face to face interaction in order to understand the concepts. It’s interesting to think about how education might change in the next ten years. Will there be a trickle down effect if these online courses to the high school, junior high, or even elementary level?

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