Artifact 2 EEND-676
Artifact 2 The second artifact I chose was my collaborative Google Sites project. I am a big fan of Google Sites and using the resource in a manner that incorporates collaboration, creativity and higher-order thinking skills. For this project, students are placed into reading groups for the graphic novel Fahrenheit 451 . I spend a small amount of time reviewing how to use the technology because by the time I get to this unit students have used Google Sites for several assignments and are fairly skilled with the tool. Below is the assignment task analysis: Assignment Task Analysis 10th Grade : In the groups you have been placed in by Mr. Riddle, create a collaborative Google site. 1. Page 1 include a picture and all group members’ names. 2. Page 2 include definition/explanation of theme and include at least one picture. 3. Page 3 include an embedded or linked Google Doc that has the three themes your group identified, page number, quotation and explanation. Include at least...